I'm DanicaVicious, My friends call me vicious, I think Sid vicious is a Savior so there. Im Asian deal with it. Mix with different type of asains. I have Philippines, chinese, Spanish. Yeah I lived in singapore all my life bt i moved to australia this year which is 2010. I guess you can say i have chagne over that years, but hey doesn't everyones? Unless you're are Insanely fucked person and would want me to call you a INSANE FUCK, then i guess i can't argue with you. I hate butterflies, don't hate me for that, theres many things iam afraid of tho i look like the type that would normally scare.Example, I look like a soke, take drugs and drink On ther other hand My friend Drink, smokes no drugs, but look wayy innocent than me, i guess its the way i look at people and my hair & makeup. Well i support gays, nothing wrong with them , you can say i am a lil obssesed with them. I admire photography, i like how the picture capture every detail and looks real, its beautiful, And below here are my inprirations to be one hardcore fuckker, jeffree Star, Jayy Von Monroe, Dahvie Vanity and Alex Evans. Don't mess with me or i'll fucking kill you.